January 19, 2023
min read

1/25 cancer drug developers fairly included minorities

Despite policy efforts to improve patient diversity in clinical research, under-representation of women, older adults, and racial & ethnical minorities remains a persistent problem.

A recent study published in the BMJ developed baseline quality measures for fair inclusion and diversity in clinical research, capturing both the transparency of patient demographics and the inclusion of under-represented groups.

After applying these quality measures on 59 novel cancer drugs approved by the FDA between 2012 and 2017, the study concluded only 1 of 25 sponsor companies scored well on both transparency and representation scores (overall and for each demographic group), signalling a significant need for improvement.

According to the researchers, the fair inclusion score developed in the study provides a useful and feasible method for tracking and catalysing patient diversity across the clinical trial ecosystem, and thereby ensuring equal access to safe and effective treatments for all.

At Triall, we support sponsors with accessing a wider and more diverse patient pool through our decentralised trial tools, such as ePRO, eConsent, and Virtual visits, as well as through patient recruitment services offered by our partner network.

Source (Endpoint News)

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